If you are unable to find the answers to your queries here, please use this link and we will try our best to answer all your queries at the earliest.
1. How do I place an order and pay for the ecover/graphics? The Order page has different packages and you can select the one that suits you best, Please contact us if u need custom graphics or bulk orders.
2. Once my order is placed will I be able to make any changes? Yes, you can send the required changes/details by email, but please note we can only accept minor changes within 24 hours after your order.
3. What are your delivery timeframes? The delivery timeframes for orders ranges between 7 to 10 days, We will send you the design previews within 5 to 7 days after your order is received (we try our best to delivery projects at the earliest). Sometimes it may take a little more if we are snowed down with orders, We will notify you in that case.
4. Do u need anything from me? All we need from you is the exact details for the graphics, The exact texts that you want plus any particular color scheme you would like and also if there’s any logo that you want used please supply the same.
5. Where can I send my files/material to? Please use our email to send us any files/material. 6. How will you deliver my new graphics? The new graphics/ecovers will be sent in a compressed zip/rar file format through email attachments.
7. What file formats will my cover/graphic be delivered in? Your will receive your cover/graphics in JPG format, recognizable by PC and Mac and commonly used for display in web pages.
8. What sizes will my cover/graphic be delivered in? Header graphics will be the basic size that you want the header to be (size of your choice- from the basic standard sizes, commonly 750×150 px) The ecovers will be sent in 3 sizes – Big, Normal, Small. (if u need a specific size do let us know)
9. Will the cover/graphics be ready to use as soon as I receive them? Yes. You can use your new cover/graphics as soon as u get them. 10. What if I’m not satisfied with the cover design? You can ask for changes/revisions, we offer 2 FREE revisions.
11. What if I want to include certain pictures or logos in my cover? Sure! Just send the stuff to our email as attachments, also please add a detailed description.
12. Do you include the PSD? No, PSDs are not included, If you need the PSD please let us know, that will cost you extra.